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Chrissy Sabey



My Story

Hey there! I am a work at home mom of 4 amazing kiddos who loves animals, travelling, and worm composting!!

When I started, I just thought I'd be my own reliable source of the products I love! Warmers that never get hot enough to burn? My kids can shove their hand in the wax and not get hurt! I was SOLD! I never imagined almost 9 years ago, that I'd be here today in the top 1% of the company and way more confident than the girl I was when I started! I STILL am proud of this company every single day, and I'm even more in love with the products! My kids love the buddies and body wash, I love the cleaners and wax, and my husband is hooked on his Scentsy go and pods! There is truly something here for EVERYONE!

What's warming in my home